
Federal Government Survival Fund 2021 Application:

The MSME Revolving Guaranteed Off-take Scheme is one of the Federal Government’s economic support measures to assist micro and small businesses affected by the pandemic.

The FG MSME CRM & MIS Platform, which is dedicated for the survival fund program, is to help with the digital registration, onboarding and management of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises for the program.


What to Know About the Survival Fund Program:

  • The program is part of the Economic Sustainability Plan, which aims to support and protect businesses from the potential vulnerabilities brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • There are three categories of the program;
  1. Payroll Support – assists in paying employees of a business
  2. Guaranteed Offtake – assists businesses to kick start or in rebuilding
  3. MSME Grant – free grants for Micro, Small and Medium sized Enterprises.
  • Any one as long as you are a Nigerian running a business within the country, be it registed with CAC or not can apply for whichever ever categories they qualify for.


How to Partake in the FG Survival Fund 2021 Program


Register your business, submit your business and personal information on the FG Survival Fund Application Portal. Click the link below to register.



Once you are done with step 1, the next step is to complete the onboarding process. In this stage you are required to add your company name, bank and employees details.

Step 2: GET PAID

Once your application has been successfully verified, you are then eligible to get paid under the scheme you applied for.


How to Register

The following Steps will guide you in registering for the survival fund 2021 program;

  • Proceed to the Survival fund registration portal survivalfund.gov.ng 
  • Click on the ‘Start Here’ button, that will take you to the survival fund application form options
  • Choose the category you want to apply for, by clicking ‘Payroll Support Register’, ‘MSME Grant Register’ or ‘Guaranteed Offtake Register’
  • Fill in your information in the form as correct as possible to avoid disqualification at verification state

After successful registration, you will;

  • Receive an Activation Code on your mobile, use to activate your profile
  • Login to Your Profile to proceed with the onbording process.

Best of luck with your application!


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